

Article I – Name

Session 1
This organization shall be known as the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Article II – Incorporation

Session 1
The Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM) shall be incorporated as a nonprofit educational, research, and scientific organization.

Article III – Purpose

Section 1
This organization shall encourage education, training, and research concerning the health, medicine, and welfare of laboratory animals.

Section 2
This organization shall recognize qualified Diplomates of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine by certification.

Section 3
The Diplomates shall have the opportunity for mutual study and the exchange of specialized information.

Article IV – Membership

Section 1
Membership in this organization shall be open to the Diplomates of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine.

Section 2
Members must belong to the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JALAM).

Section 3
Honorary members and Retired Diplomates shall not be included in the membership of JCLAM, nor have the right to vote.

Article V – Certification

Section 1
To be certified as a Diplomate, a candidate must meet all the requirements set forth in the Bylaws for such certification.

Article VI – Officers

Section 1
The following officers of this organization shall be standing.
Directors – one to three people
Inspectors – two people

Section 2
An officer’s term of office shall be three years, and it shall be renewable.

Section 3
The Director shall be elected from among the Diplomates and appointed in a general meeting. Only Diplomates, in good standing, shall be eligible for election.

Section 4
Directors shall elect a President, a Vice President, and a Director of the General Affairs Department by mutual election.

Section 5
The Inspector shall be elected from among the Diplomates by the Board of Directors, and appointed in the general meeting. The Director may not serve as an Inspector.

Article VII – Board of Directors

Section 1
The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, the Vice President, the Director of the General Affairs Department, and the other directors.

Section 2
The Board of Directors shall administrate the council affairs as an executive organ of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Article VIII – Bylaws

Section 1
Operation of this organization shall be established through procedures set forth in the Bylaws.

Article IX – Revision

Section 1
More than two regular members may propose to revise the Constitution of the JCLAM.

Section 2
The proposal shall be discussed and determined in the general meeting.

Supplementary rules

This rule shall be put into effect on April 1, 2012.

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.


Article I – Purpose

Section 1
The Bylaws of this organization shall be established by rules of Article VIII in the Articles of the Association in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Article II – Recognition

Section 1
Diplomates of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM) shall be certified by the authorized rules.

Article III – Project

Section 1
This organization shall perform the projects listed below to establish the purpose of the JCLAM.
1) Certification of qualified Diplomates of JCLAM
2) Decision on examinations for the certification
3) Holding the academic meeting
4) Training and educational projects
5) Publication of the bulletin
6) Registration of members and mutual communication
7) Mutual communication with relevant organs and societies
8) Other projects

Article IV – Duties of the officers

Section 1
The President shall represent this organization and organize all affairs of the Committees.
The Vice President shall assist the President. When the President is unable to attend his/her duties, the Vice President shall assume said duties.
The Director shall organize the Board of Directors, discuss important agenda items of its administration, and carry them out.
The Board of Directors shall authorize the general manager and Chairpersons of various Committees perform council activities, such as those having to do with general affairs, accounts, bulletin publication, certification, or meetings.
The Board of Directors shall be authorized to install various Committees as needed.
Detailed rules for administration of the Board of Directors shall be established.
The inspector shall inspect the execution of duties and accounts in this organization.

Article V – General meeting

Section 1
The general meeting shall be held once a year. However, the meeting may be held more often, when circumstances for doing so are presented by more than half the number of the President and the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The President shall convene the general meeting and the Vice President shall be its chairman.

Section 3
The general meeting shall be established by the attendance more than one-fifths of the members and presentation of the letter of proxy. The general matters shall be voted upon and determined by agreement of more than half the number of attendants.

Section 4
Important matters with serious influence on the operation of this organization shall be voted upon and determined by agreement of more than two-thirds the number of attendants.

Article VI – Deliberation decision

Section 1
The general meeting shall deliberate and determine the general matters listed below.
1) The business report and settlement of accounts
2) The business plan and budget
3) The election and dismissal of officers, etc.
4) Other matters

Section 2
The general meeting shall deliberate and determine the important matters below.

1) Revision of rules of a society
2) Revision of the Bylaws
3) Other

Article VII – Accounts

Section 1
The fiscal year of the meeting shall be from August 1 to the next July 31.

Section 2
The expenses of the meeting shall be covered by examination charges, certification charges, a donation, and other income sources.

Article VIII – Maintenance of confidentiality

Session 1
Any information known by a person under the business of this party should be shared only among members and the person must not disclose or leak it to a third party.

Session 2
Any publicly known or already published information shall be excluded from the confidentiality obligation, regardless of the rule of Session 1.

Session 3
The rule in maintenance of confidentiality shall be applied to regular members, and Honorary and Retired Diplomates in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Session 4
The effective period for maintenance of confidentiality shall be ten years following the day of disclosure and presentation. The period shall also be applied to a person who has resigned from the membership.

Article IX– Expulsion

Session 1
A person who performed a behavior against the purpose of the main meeting, unethical activity, insult against the members in this organization, or breach of confidentiality may be expulsed from a list of members belonging to the organization of JCLAM.

Session 2
Expulsion shall be determined by agreements of more than 2-third
regular members in a general meeting.

Article X – Propose of revision

Session 1
More than two regular members shall propose to revise the Bylaws
of the JCLAM.

Session 2
Proposed matters shall be determined in the general meeting.

Supplementary rules

This role shall be administered on April 1st, 2012.
This role shall be administered on April 1st, 2014.
This role shall be administered on April 1st, 2016.

Last Revised on May 25, 2016.

Certification Rule of Diplomate

Article I – Purpose

Section 1
The Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall establish the system for the approval of Diplomate status, and shall award it according to qualification screenings and certification tests.

Article II –Certification Screening

A certification screening shall consist of the qualification screening and certification test, both of which required achievement of control units for passing.

Section 1 – Criteria of the Qualification Screening
(1) A candidate must hold the Japanese veterinarian license. The Approval Committee of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM) shall determine whether a person who holds a foreign veterinarian license shall be eligible for examination.
(2) A candidate must belong to the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JALAM) as a member for more than three years, when he/she may apply for Certification Screening.
(3) The standard points for eligibility for Certification Screening must be more than 90 units in the sum of numbers shown in Supplemental Table 1.
(4) To apply for Certification Screening, units accumulated until May 31 of the current year shall be effective.
(5) The period of validity of passing in the qualification screening shall be three years. When the candidate would like to receive the written examination more than three years later, he/she must return to the starting point for application to the Certification Screening.

Section 2 – Examination Test
(1) A candidate that passes the Certification Screening shall be able to receive the certification test at the venue of the meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science in the current year.
(2) Procedures for the Examination Test after passing the Certification Screening shall be established separately.

Section 3
A person that applies for the Certification Screening must pay an examination fee at the time of the application.

Article III – Registration of Certification

(1) A candidate that passes the qualification screening shall be awarded a Certificate by the President of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM), and shall be registered as a member.
(2) A candidate that passes the certification test must pay an authorization fee for receiving his/ her authorization.

Article IV – Expiration period and updating

Section 1
The expiration period of the Certificate for the Diplomate of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM) shall be five years following the authorization.

Section 2
A person that intends to hold the Certificate beyond the expiration period must update the Certificate before the period ends.

Section 3
To update their Certificate, a person must receive the screening described below.
(1) A candidate must continue to belong to the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JALAM) after holding the Certificate as Diplomate of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).
(2) The standard point for eligibility in the updating must be more than 80 units in the sum of numbers as shown in Supplemental Table 2.
(3) To apply for the update of the Certificate, units accumulated until May 31 of the current year shall be effective.

Section 4
A person applying for the updating of their Certificate must pay an examination fee at the time of the application.

Section 5
A candidate that passes the updating screening test must pay an authorization fee for receiving his/ her authorization.

Article V – Examination Fee and Authorization Fee

Section 1
The examination fee for the Certification Screening shall be 20,000 yen. However, the examination fee of Certification Test shall be 10,000 yen, when a person receives the written examination.

Section 2
The authorization fee for the Certification Screening shall be 10,000 yen.

Section 3
The examination fee for updating shall be 10,000 yen. However, as the examination fee of Certification Test, 10,000 yen shall be added, when a person receives the written examination as the criteria units for updating the Certificate.

Section 4
The authorization fee for updating shall be 5,000 yen.

Article VI – Cancellation of the Certificate

Section 1
When any reason showing that a Diplomate would not be qualified becomes evident, authorization of his/her Certificate may be canceled.

Article VII – Honorary Diplomate in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM)

Section 1
A person that has contributed to the specialized field of laboratory animal medicine shall receive the title of Honorary Diplomate in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Section 2
A person that receives the title of Honorary Diplomate shall not necessarily need to be a veterinarian.

Section 3
A person that receives the title of the Honorary Diplomate shall be recommended by the Approval Committee and shall be awarded the title by the Board of Directors in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM).

Section 4
The Honorary Diplomate shall not be required to pay the authorization fee. In the certification system, he/she shall participate in various activities, but shall not be engaged in system’s administration, including having the right to vote.

Article VIII – Retired Diplomate in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM)

Section 1
A Diplomate that has reached the age of retirement shall apply to register as a Retired Diplomate in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, “DJCLAM(ret)”.

Section 2
The Retired Diplomate shall not be required to pay the authorization fee. In the certification system, he/she shall participate in various activities, but shall not be engaged in the system’s administration, including having the right to vote.

Article IX – Preliminary Registry

Section 1
A person that does not complete registration for the certification or that does not complete the updating process shall be registered on the Board of preliminary registrants, but shall not be certified as a Diplomate.

Section 2
A preliminary registrant shall not be engaged in the administration or activities of the authorization system. He/she shall not have the rights of a Diplomate.

Section 3
The preliminary registrant must register for the Certificate or pass the updating screening following application for updating, and pay the required authorization fee, to have the status of Diplomate.

Section 4
The period of validity for preliminary registrant status shall be five years, after which the preliminary registrant shall lose authorized qualification. However, the Approval Committee shall deliberate whether to extend this period, when a person has a special circumstance.

Article X – Revision

Section 1
This rule shall be voted by the Board of Directors.

Supplementary rules

Section 1 This rule shall be put into effect on August 13, 1998.
Section 2 This rule shall be revised on October 25, 1999.
Section 3 This rule shall be revised on April 4, 2001.
Section 4 This rule shall be revised on March 21, 2006.
Section 5 This rule shall be revised on September 16, 2010. This rule shall be put into effect in 2011.
Section 6 This rule shall be relegated from the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JALAM) to the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (JCLAM), and shall be revised on September 15, 2012.
Section 7
This rule shall be revised on September 19, 2013. This rule shall be put into effect in 2015.

Section 8
This rule shall be revised on March 27, 2015.

Section 9
This rule shall be revised on September 23, 2016.

Supplemental Table 1. A breakdown in criteria units for updating the Certificate for the Diplomate of Laboratory Animal Medicine

The score shall consist of required and selected fields. All conditions must be met for the required fields. For the selected fields, the candidate must acquire more than 30 units. Total scores shall be 90 units in the required and selected fields.

Required field: You must meet all requirements set forth below.

1. Top authors in peer reviewed papers and letters must certify your research activities. (Accepted paper)
A paper or letter in the Life Science field 20 units

2. Participation in two symposiums held by JCLAM and JALAM for the current five years. 20 units

3. Participation in two different categories of the Wet Hand Workshops I, II, III. 20 units
I. Veterinary administration for rodents and rabbits
II. Veterinary administration for canines and pigs
III. Veterinary administration for non-human primates

Selected fields: You must omit items that you have already used to satisfy the requirements for the required field.

Accumulate more than five years of experience in the laboratory animal medicine fields. 10 units

  • Certificate as a Ph. D 10 units
  • Author in peer reviewed papers and letters that certify your research activities. (You must omit papers that you have already used to satisfy the requirements for the required field.) Primary authors, 10 units / paper; Co-authors, 5 units / paper
  • Participation in the official meetings held by the JCLAM, JALAM, JALAS, and JSVS within the current five years. Primary authors, 5 units / meeting; Co-authors, 2 units / meeting
  • Participation in Life Science meetings other than those held by the JCLAM, JALAM, and JALAS within the current five years. Primary authors, 3 units / meeting; Co-authors, 1 unit / meeting
  • Participation in the symposium held by JCLAM and JALAM held within the current five years. 5 units / symposium (You must omit this if you have already used this credit to meet the requirements of the required field.)
  • Participation in the Wet Hand Workshops I, II, and III. 20 units / workshop within the current five years. (You must omit this if you have already used this credit to meet the requirements of the required field; however, if you participate in the same Workshops twice, you are able to use the Workshop as participations in both the required and selected fields.)
  • Participation in a meeting permitted by the JCLAM within the current five years. (You must apply to the Approval Committee in advance, and attach a participation certification.) The JCLAM shall determine the units permitted for each meeting. 1ー5 units / meeting

Supplemental Table 2. A breakdown in criteria units for updating the Certificate for the Diplomate of Laboratory Animal Medicine

The score shall be counted for activities within for the five years following new certification or updating for Diplomate of the JCLAM. The activities shall consist of society activities (i.e., presentation, training, and examination), and two other fields. Total scores shall be 80 units, at least 40 of which must be completed from items in the first field.

The first field:

  • Presentation at the meetings of JCLAM, JALAM, JALAS, and JSVS.
  • Primary authors, 5 units / presentation; Co-authors, 2 units / presentation
  • Participation in training of JCLAM and JALAM. Participation in educational seminars in the JSVS 10 units / seminar
  • Participation as teaching staff for educational seminars (lecturer) 13 units / seminar
  • Participation in the Wet Hand Workshops 20 units / workshop
  • Participation as a teaching staff for the Wet Hand Workshops (lecturer) 30 units / workshop
  • Examination for certification (perfect score shall be calculated as 100 units.) 1 unit = 1 unit

The second field:

  • Presentations in Life Science meetings other than for the JALAM, JALAS, and JSVS.
  • Primary authors, 2 units / meeting; Co-authors, 1 unit / meeting
  • Author of peer reviewed papers. Primary authors, 10 units / paper; Co-authors, 5 units / paper
  • Participation and teaching in training permitted by the JCLAM in the current five year period. (You must apply to the Approval Committee in advance and attach a participation certification.) The JCLAM shall determine units of each meeting. 1〜5 points / meeting

Example: 2 units for participation; 4 unit for teaching

  • Preparation of the Certification Test (only for questions that the Examination Preparation Committee shall determine to be suitable.) 2 units / question
  • Be engaged in a leadership role for laboratory animal medicine in the research institute (new / continuing) 10 units
  • Certificate as a Ph. D 5 units
  • Critical analysis of animal experiments and laboratory animals (i.e., in newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, etc.) 3 units
  • Writing or editing books about animal experiments and laboratory animals 5 units
  • Life training business in the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science (except for meetings that JCLAM hosts) 1 point = 1 unit, up to 20 units

The Approval Committee shall declare, investigate, evaluate, and establish the number of units to be associated with participation in meetings that other societies host.

Last Revised on October 24, 2016.

Election of Directors

Election Administration Committee

Section 1
The Election Administration Committee shall be established for all paperwork related to the election and management.

Section 2
A chairperson shall be appointed from among the members by the President. The Board of the Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and several members. The members shall be nominated by the Chairperson and appointed by the President.

Section 3
The Board of Members shall establish election guidelines for every election.


Section 4
A regular member of the JCLAM who is on the membership list on April 1 of an election year shall be qualified as a person eligible for elective office.

Section 5
A regular member who is on the membership list April 1 of an election year shall be qualified as an elector.


Section 6
The Board of Election Management shall determine candidates by self-recommendation and recommendation by regular members in the JCLAM.

A vote and the official counting of votes

Section 7
The ballot shall be conducted as a joint ballot with three candidates, and the ballot sheet including the candidates shall be sent by postal mail and e-mail. However, A joint ballot with the same candidates shall be treated as a candidate.

Section 8
The ballot counting shall be conducted within seven days following the end of the time for receiving ballots. The chairperson shall immediately publicize the voting results using JCLAM-ML, bulletin, and the other ways.

Success in election

Section 9
The Board of Directors shall determine seven successful candidates in order of decreasing number of votes, once the ballots have been counted. When the number of successful candidates would exceed seven people because of receiving the same number of votes, the Chairperson of the Election Administration Committee shall determine the successful candidate using a lottery.

Supplementary rules

Section 10 The Board of Directors shall determine revision and termination of this rule.
Section 11 This rule shall be put into effect on April 1, 2012.
Section 12 When the first election would be opened, the President of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall be named as the President of the Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine (JALAM).

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.

Examination Implementation Committee

Article I 

Section 1
The purpose of the Examination Implementation Committee of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall be to conduct certification tests developed by members of the Examination Preparation Committee.

Article II

Section 1
The Examination Implementation Committee shall function under the purview of the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The Examination Implementation Committee shall include a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.

Section 3
The Chairperson shall lead and direct the Examination Implementation Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson. When the Chairperson is unable to attend to his/her duties, the Vice Chairperson shall assume said duties.

Article III

Section 1
The Board of Directors shall determine a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and members of the Examination Implementation Committee from among the Diplomates of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, and the President shall appoint them to the Committee.

Section 2
The Chairperson shall nominate four to six members from among the Diplomates, adding to this number as necessary.

Section 3
The names of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and members shall be publicized for three year on the web-site.

Article IV

Section 1
A Committee officer’s term of office including the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be three years.

Article V

Section 1
The certification test shall be performed at the time and the place when the meeting of the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science is to be held.

Article VI

Section 1
The Chairperson shall appoint and arrange for several proctors from among the Diplomates.

Article VII

Section 1
The daily allowance for activity under the present rule shall be paid according to the Travel Expense Regulations.

Supplementary rules

This rule shall be put into effect on May 1, 2013.
Articles V, VI, and VII of this rule shall be revised on March 31, 2015.

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.

Examination Consideration Committee

Article I 

Section 1
The purpose of the Examination Consideration Committee of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall be to evaluate the certification test in current and past years, and to respond to questions and comments that the examinees and Diplomates submit regarding the test in the current year.

Article II

Section 1
The Examination Consideration Committee shall function under the purview of the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The Examination Consideration Committee shall include a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.

Section 3
The Chairperson shall take lead and direct the Examination Consideration Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson. When the Chairperson is unable to attend to his/her duties, the Vice Chairperson shall assume said duties.

Article III

Section 1
The Board of Directors shall nominate a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and members for the Examination Consideration Committee from among the Diplomates of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, and the President shall appoint them to the Committee.

Section 2
The Chairperson shall select four to six members from among the Diplomates, adding to this number as necessary.

Section 3
The names of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and members shall be publicized for three year on the web-site.

Article IV

Section 1
A Committee officer’s term of office including the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be three years.

Article V

Section 1
The Chairperson shall establish a working group that consists of several
members to evaluate issues from the past.

Section 2
The names of the members of the working group shall be publicized.

Article VI

Section 1
The Examination Consideration Committee shall evaluate the validity of the contents of certification tests in current and past years.

Section 2
The Examination Consideration Committee shall evaluate the current certification test before or after the examination is conducted.

Section 3
The Examination Consideration Committee shall respond to questions and comments of the examinees and Diplomates regarding tests in the current year, in collaboration with the Examination Committee.

Article VII

Section 1
The evaluation of the certification test in current year shall be publicized, following which, the Board of Directors shall confirm updated- and new-Diplomates.

Article VIII

Section 1
The trip allowance for activity under the present rule shall be paid according to the Travel Expense Regulations.

Supplementary rules

The Board of Directors shall determine revision and termination of this rule. This rule shall be put into effect on May 1, 2013.

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.

Examination Preparation Committee

Article I

Section 1
The purpose of the Examination Preparation Committee in the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall be to prepare certification tests, and to score them at the end of examination.

Article II

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall function under the purview of the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The Examination Preparation Committee shall include a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.

Section 3
The Chairperson shall lead and direct the Examination Consideration Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson. When the Chairperson is unable to attend to his/her duties, the Vice Chairperson shall assume said duties.

Article III

Section 1
The Board of Directors shall nominate a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and members of the Examination Consideration Committee from among the Diplomates of the Laboratory Animal Medicine, and the President shall appoint them to the committee.

Section 2
The Chairperson shall select the members from among the Diplomates, adding to this number as necessary.

Section 3
The names of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and members shall be publicized for a year on the web-site following the examination date in the current year.

Article IV

Section 1
To select members of the Examination Preparation Committee, Diplomates shall register under three specialized fields, from among ten listed. However, items 1) and 2) and items 5) and 6) shall be included within a single field.

Section 2
The specialized fields listed shall be as follows:
1) Morphological Characteristics – A
2) Physiological Characteristics – A
3) Heredity and Breeding – A
4) Infectious Disease and Public Illness – A
5) Morphological Characteristics – B
6) Physiological Characteristics – B
7) Infectious Disease and Public Illness – B
8) Experimental Procedures, Anesthesia, Pain relief, and Post-Surgical Management – AB
9) Developmental Engineering – AB
10) Environment, Animal Welfare, and Law – AB

Section 3
The General Affairs Department shall be notified of registrations and changes in registration.

Article V

Section 1
A Committee officer’s term of office shall be three years, with 1/3 reelected every year. The Committee shall include three groups, and re-election shall be conducted in each group.
Group 1: 1) Morphological Characteristics – A; 6) Physiological Characteristics – B; 7) Infectious Disease and Public Illness – B; and 10) Environment, Animal Welfare, and Law – AB.
Group 2: 2) Physiological Characteristics – A; 4) Infectious Disease and Public Illness – A; 8) Experimental Procedures, Anesthesia, Pain relief, and Post-Surgical Management – AB; and 9) Developmental Engineering – AB
Group 3: 5) Morphological Characteristics – B; 3) Heredity and Breeding – A; 7) Infectious Disease and Public Illness – B; and 10) Environment, Animal Welfare, and Law – AB

Article VI

Section 1
The members of the Examination Preparation Committee shall not serve for two consecutive periods. However, in a field including a small number of registered members, the members of the Examination Preparation Committee may continue to prepare certification tests for more than two periods.

Article VII

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall be authorized to collect questions for certification tests from Diplomates every year.

Article VIII

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall report the number of questions that a Diplomate drafts as progress towards completion of his/her required administrative units.

Article IX

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall prepare final certification tests by combining questions that members and Diplomates prepared.

Article X

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall send the final certification tests to the Examination Implication Committee.

Article XI

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall score the tests sent from the Examination Implementation Committee after holding the examination.

Article XII

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall send the test papers before implementation of examination and the solutions to the Examination Consideration Committee to evaluate the validity of their contents in the current year.

Article XIII

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall send the test papers and the solutions to all Diplomates and shall receive indications of any issues, such as inappropriate problems.

Article XIV

Section 1
The Examination Preparation Committee shall consider suggestions on the tests from the Examination Consideration Committee and all Diplomates, and shall report to the Directors about answers and points against the examinations.

Section 2
The Examination Preparation Committee shall publicize the test papers and answers on the web-site, following new certification or updating for Diplomate of the JCLAM.

Article XV

Section 1
Trip allowance for activity under this rule shall be paid according to the Travel Expense Regulations.

Supplementary rules

The Board of Directors shall determine revision and termination of this rule.
This rule shall be put into effect on April 4, 2004.
This rule shall be revised on September 16, 2010.

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.

Approval Committee

Article I 

Section 1
The purpose of the Approval Committee of the Japanese College of Laboratory Animal Medicine(JCLAM)shall be to approve and award diplomate status for its graduates in Laboratory Animal Medicine.

Article II

Section 1
The Approval Committee shall function under the purview of the Board of Directors.

Section 2
The Approval Committee shall include a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson.

Section 3
The Chairperson shall lead and direct the Approval Committee. The Vice Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson. When the Chairperson is unable to attend to his/her duties, the Vice Chairperson shall assume said duties.

Article III

Section 1
The Board of Directors shall nominate a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, and members of the Approval Committee from among the Diplomates of the Laboratory Animal Medicine, and the President shall appoint them to the Committee.

Section 2
The Chairperson shall select the members from among the Diplomates to perform their Committee service.

Section 3
The names of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, and members shall be publicized for three year on the web-site.

Article IV

Section 1
A Committee officer’s term of office including the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall be three years, and it shall be renewable.

Article V

Section 1
The Chairperson shall qualify application forms that members of the Laboratory Animal Medicine must submit for qualification as new certification or updating for Diplomates of the JCLAM.

Section 2
Two members of the Approval Committee shall perform qualification screenings, and the Chairperson shall make the final determination of whether the candidate should be approved for diplomate status.

Article VI

Section 1
The Approval Committee shall announce the result of the Certification creenings to the General Affairs Department, and shall request the Department to provide notice to the applicants.

Section 2
The Approval Committee shall announce the names of the applicants who pass the Certification Screening before receiving certification tests to the Examination Implication Committee.

Article VII

Section 1
The Approval Committee shall review the final results of the certification tests to evaluate them on a pass/fail basis.

Section 2
The Approval Committee shall report to the Board of Directors about the admission decisions for each candidate in diplomate status.

Article VIII

Section 1
The Approval Committee shall certify the number of units of Diplomate qualification, depending on the request of participants in symposiums and workshops that societies and organizations other than JCLAM and JALAM organize.

Article IX

Section 1
When a foreign veterinarian applies for qualification screening for the JCLAM, the Approval Committee shall judge whether the veterinarian license that the applicant holds is equivalent to the Japanese license.

Supplementary rules

The Board of Directors shall determine revision and termination of this rule.
This rule shall be put into effect on May 15, 2013.

Last Revised on August 25, 2015.


JCLAM Role Delineation Document

1. Overview of this Document

1) The Role Delineation Document is comprised of six Domains.

Domain 1 Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally
Induced Diseases and Conditions
Domain 2 Management of Pain and Distress
Domain 3 Research
Domain 4 Animal Care
Domain 5 Regulatory Responsibilities
Domain 6 Education

2) Each Domain is composed of Tasks and Knowledge topics.

During a DVM programNoneSome of the topics have been acquired for DVM licensed subject
At time of certificationMost of the tasks have been performed by an JCLAM DiplomateMost of the knowledge were required
Either on the job or in a continuing education setting after certificationSome of the tasks were performed predominantlySome of the knowledges have been acquired predominantly

2. Tasks and Knowledge topics for each Domain

Domain 1: Management of Spontaneous and Experimentally Induced Diseases and Conditions

During a DVM programNoneK1. diagnostic procedures 
a. conduct of a physical examination 
b. clinical pathology
c. other diagnostic procedures

K2. surgical techniques associated with
diagnostic and therapeutic surgeries 

K3. immunobiology

K4. nutrition with emphasis on effects of
deficiency or toxicity

K5. anatomy with emphasis on features
which have significance with regard to
clinical medicine or experimental medicine

K6. physiology with emphasis on normative
data and characteristics, metabolic differences
or metabolism of induced disease,
reproductive physiology,
and clinically significant physiological features

K7. parasitology with emphasis on parasitic
diseases that can become established in a
colony and zoonotic parasitic diseases

K8. microbiology with emphasis on organisms
of clinical significance; subclinical infections
that cause physiologic, biochemical, and/or
immunologic alterations; zoonotic
disease organisms; organisms used
experimentally to induce infection and
unintended infections; and sampling and
culture techniques for such organisms 

K9. anatomic pathology including
pathogenesis of significant naturally
occurring and
experimentally induced diseases;
typical gross and histopathologic lesions;
and pertinent anatomic pathology techniques 

K10. pharmacology with emphasis on drugs
used to treat spontaneous or induced disease,
and drugs used to induce disease
At time of certificationT1. prevent spontaneous or
unintended disease or

T2. control spontaneous or
unintended disease or

T3. diagnose disease or
condition as appropriate

T4. treat disease or
condition as appropriate 
K11. epidemiology including species-specific
susceptibility to induced disease

K12. preventive medicine 

K13. diagnostic procedures 
a. species-specific behavioral
b. serologic, cytologic, and molecular
diagnostic tests and
proper sampling techniques

K14. genetics with emphasis on control and
treatment of naturally occurring and
experimentally induced disease,
predisposition to disease,
and modes of inheritance

Domain 2: Management of Pain and Distress

During a DVM programNoneK1. anatomy and physiology of pain and distress 

K2. patient monitoring 

K3. critical and post-procedural care techniques

K4. pharmacological interventions for pain and
distress and their effects on physiology,
including age and species differences for
such interventions, and depth and
duration of analgesia provided by such

K5. euthanasia
At time of certificationT1. recognize pain
and/or distress 

T2. minimize or
eliminate pain
and/or distress 

T3. administration
of anesthesia

T4. euthanatize
K6. assessment of pain and distress

K7. causes of pain 

K8. causes of distress 

K9. effects of pain and distress on
normative physiology and on
research studies 

K10. nonpharmacological interventions
for pain and distress and their effects
on physiology, including age and
species differences for such interventions 

K11. humane endpoint criteria 

Domain 3: Research

During a DVM programNoneK1. research methods and equipment

K2. principles of experimental design and statistics including scientific method

K3. animal models including normative biology relevant to the research

K4. characterization of animal models

K5. genetics and nomenclature

K6. genetic modification/engineering technology including application of molecular biology techniques 
At time of certificationT1. facilitate or provide research support 

T2. advise and consult with investigators on matters related to their research 

T3. design and conduct research
K7. biomethodology techniques

K8. gnotobiotics 

K9. experimental surgical techniques and instrumentation 

K10. information resources 

K11. scientific writing 

K12. Replacement, Reduction and Refinement techniques 

K13. Effective methods for communicating research-related concerns 

K14. Aseptic requirements for performing surgery 

K15. genomics, metabolomics, and proteomics 
After certificationT4. collaborate with other scientists on research projects K16. grant application, review and funding mechanisms

Domain 4: Animal Care

During a DVM programNoneK1. species-specific husbandry

K2. methods of sterilization,
sanitation, and decontamination

K3. breeding colony management

K4. animal identification systems 

K5. pest control

K6. environmental causes of
physiological alterations in animals
and their effects on research

K7. environmental monitoring

K8. watering and feeding
At time of certificationT1. develop animal
husbandry programs 

T2. manage or provide
indirect management/oversight
of animal husbandry

T3. manage or provide
indirect management/oversight
of laboratory animal
K9. environmental enrichment,
species-appropriate behavioral and
psychosocial needs including creation
and maintenance of appropriate
social pairs or groups 

K10. quality assurance techniques for
animal care-related equipment and

K11. animal procurement considerations

K12. pathogen-free barriers,
maintenance of pathogen-free colonies
via sentinel use and
surveillance programs

K13. containment facilities 
After certificationT4. design laboratory animal facilitiesK14. selection criteria for
animal care-related equipment
and supplies 

K15. fiscal management as it relates
to budgetary and financial issues
associated with animal facility

K16. human resource management
as it relates to operation of
animal care and use programs 

K17. disaster planning 

K18. facility planning, design, and construction

K19. mechanical, electrical and
plumbing systems 

K20. waste management 

K21. housing systems 

Domain 5: Regulatory Responsibilities

During a DVM programNoneK1. laws, regulations, policies and standards
a. Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act
b. Welfare and Management of Animals Act
c. Invasive Alien Species Act
d. Cartagena Law
e. Narcotics and Psychotropics Control Act
f. Infectious Disease Control Law
g. Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases
Control Act
h. Rendering Plant Law
i. Rabies Prevention Act
j. Protection and Control of Wild Birds and
Mammals and Hunting Management Law
k. Conservation of Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora Act
l. Industrial Safety and Health Act
m. Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law
n. Evaluation of Chemical Substances and
Regulation of Their Manufactures Law
At time of certificationT1. perform direct or
delegated Attending

T2. advocate for
humane care
and use of animals

T3. provide advice to
occupational health
and safety programs

T4. provide advice on
chemical and radiation
hazards in an animal
research program

T5. serve as a member
of an IACUC

T6. review protocols and
provide advice to
investigators and
K2. laws, regulations, policies and standards
a. Good Laboratory Practices

K3. international laws, regulations, policies
and standards
a. Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory
Animals (ILAR/NRC)
b. AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of
Animals (AVMA) 

K4. role and function of the IACUC 

K5. protocol review
After certificationNoneK6. international laws, policies, and standards
a. Animal Welfare Act, USDA regulations,
Animal Care policies 
b. Health Research Extension Act,
Public Health Service Policy on
Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,
OLAW interpretive guidance 
c. Biosafety in Microbiological and
Biomedical Laboratories
d. Endangered Species Act/CITES 
e. Guide for the Care and Use of
Agricultural Animals in Agricultural
Research and Teaching (FASS)
f. Live Animals Regulations
(IATA – International Air Transportation
g. USDA and CDC animal importation
h. NIH Recombinant DNA Guidelines and
Office of Biotechnology
i. Occupational Health and Safety
in the Care and Use of
Research Animals (ILAR/NRC)

Domain 6: Education

During a DVM programNoneK1. societal issues involving use
of animals: 
a. philosophy and ethics of animal used.
history and value of animal research
At time of certificationT1. train personnel
in animal care and use

T2. maintain current
knowledge and continued
in laboratory animal
K2. educational resources

K3. certification programs
(e.g., DJCLAM certification) 

K4. societal issues involving use
of animals: 
a. organizations related to and/or
supportive of laboratory animal
medicine and animal research
b. organizations opposed to animal
research (e.g., AVA-Net, ALIVE, PETA,
HSUS) including their philosophy and
opposition strategies
After certificationT3. provide education
in academic and/or
animal residency

T4. outside of formal
training programs,
mentor those
interested in or involved
in laboratory animal

T5. provide community
outreach on animal care
and use

JALAS: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science; JSVS: Japanese Society of Veterinary Science; JALAM: Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine; JSAAE: Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments; ILAR: Institute for Laboratory Animal Research; AVA-Net: Anti-vivisection Action Network; ALIVE: All Life in a Viable Environment; PETA: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; HSUS: Humane Society of the United States

Species Categories

The suggested species were classified as primary, and secondary. Below is the list by category.

PrimaryP1. Mouse (Mus musculus)
P2. Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
P3. Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus
P4. Dog (Canis familiaris)
P5. Pig (Sus scrofa)
P6. Macaques (Macaca spp.)
SecondaryS1. Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
S2. Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)
S3. Gerbil (Meriones spp.)
S4. Other rodents
S5. Cat (Felis domestica)
S6. Ferret (Mustela putorius furo)
S7. Sheep (Ovis aries)
S8. Goat (Capra hircus
S9. Cow (Bos taurus)
S10. Horse (Equus caballus)
S11. Squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus)
S12. Marmoset/tamarins (Callitrichidae)
S13. Another nonhuman primate
S14. Chicken (Gallus domestica)
S15. Japanese quail (Cotunix japonica)
S16. Other birds
S17. Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
S18. Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
S19. Japanese killifish (Oryzias latipes)
S20. Other fish
S21. African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis)
S22. Invertebrates including drosophila and nematode

Last Revised on Novenber 19, 2022.